
Who is behind

To create the biggest tantric festival in Denmark requires a lot of dedication and hard work.

Kate and Anders are the founders of Copenhagen Tantra Festival, but it could never have been done without a lot of support, love and dedicated friends. There are too many names to mention here, but below are some of the one that have really put in an extra effort. We love you

Kate and Anders

Kate & Anders

Founders of Copenhagen Tantra Festival

Core organizer group

Kate and Anders are the founders of the festival, and we just love to do this kind of work. A Huge Heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone that helped us making it happen

Hülya Vandborg

Core Organizer Group

Chief of PR and Marketing

Hülya Vandborg is part of the core group creating Copenhagen Tantra Festival. She is the storyteller who shares all sorts of content on SoMe.

Hülya works with communications and relations, and is passionate about holding space for self development, deeper connections and more intimacy. She is a trauma-informed yoga teacher and on a journey within the field of sexology and tantra.

Follow her on Instagram or Facebook


Tina Sandra Ellingsgaard

Core Organizer Group

Chief of Volunteer Team

Tina Sandra Ellingsgaard is part of the core group creating Copenhagen Tantra Festival. 

As a combined sexologist and experience economist she is dedicated to help transformative events and communities blossom. 

She especially holds a deep desire to bring people together in a conscious and liberating way where they can show their authentic selves with less shame and more joy.

Follow her journey on Instagram or Facebook

Danny Fogel

Core Organizer Group

Chief of Location

Danny is an experienced entrepreneur who spend the last 16 years helping some of the world's largest companies to plan and execute all kinds of events. His main focus is to create memorable experiences, and bring great ideas to life.

Danny had his first experiences with Tantra more than 12 years ago and after participating in the first Copenhagen Tantra Festival in 2023 he was eager to use his event experience to help others get the same amazing experience as he had.



Andrea Lund Landgreen

Team Leader of Karma Angels

Andrea is a neuro-linguistic conversation therapist. She uses her knowledge to guide individuals in finding inner strength and resilience. She believes that by understanding and reprogramming our thought patterns and beliefs, we can create positive change in our lives and relationships. Andrea had her first experiences with tantra about 4-5 years ago.  Today she has become a facilitator herself, and create a lot of different workshops. She believes that through tantra, can we access our true power and potential, and create a life filled with love, passion, and joy. 

You can follow her on

Cilja Neumann

Team Leader of Emotional Support Team

Cilja is a trained body therapist, with experience in supervision and a deep passion for creating safe spaces for individuals in process.  She is dedicated to creating environments that foster trust, presence and courage to sit with the emotions that may be challenging to face alone.

Jennifer and Rebecca

Rebecca & Jennifer

Leading the Decoration Team

We are Jennifer and Rebecca, the visionary vanguards of the festival's décor realm. With a treasure trove of artistic endeavors, festivals, and collaborative ventures under our belts, we are the dynamic duo ready to weave enchantment into every nook and cranny of our workshop spaces.

Our passion? Crafting environments that beckon the imagination and ignite the senses, transforming mere spaces into unforgettable journeys. With a dedicated team of creative maestros by our side, we’re poised to elevate workshop experiences to extraordinary heights. Get ready to be spellbound.

You can follow Rebecca on her Facebook

Simon Skipper


Simon Skipper is an award-winning photojournalist and psychedelic therapist.
The focus of his visual work is to bring people closer to themselves and each other, capturing the vulnerable and the sensual.
He seeks to immortalize moments between people that are authentic, raw, and whimsical.

See more of Simon's photos and videos at: and Instagram


Olga Maliuk


Olga ve been doing photography for over 20 years. For her, photographing is not a job but a passion. She love people, she think everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way, so she tries to do everything to show their beauty in the photo.

See more of Olgas photos at: and Instagram

Olga (1)

Sylwia Ziolkowska

Artist – Exhibition

Artist from Poland who creates magical and energetic paintings with intention using oil paints and watercolors. Exploring various techniques, she decided to focus on paintings that help people make positive life changes. She graduated from the University of Torun with a degree in painting and currently creates and lives in Copenhagen. At the festival you will be able to see original paintings and talk about art.

You can follow her in FacebookInstagram and

Anna Hooge

Logo and brand designer

Our Graphical designer which created our full visual identity with Logo, colors and everything behind. 

We are really proud of it and think it looks fantastic!

Dont you agree?

Check her out at


All the volunteers


We have a big team of volunteers and emotional support team. They are all some of the key people to make the whole event run smoothly, so you are able to enjoy.

Without all them, it would never be possible.