
Signe V Bentzen



Signe V Bentzen

In her work, Signe supports people in rediscovering their innate ability to enjoy life through deep connection with themselves and in their relations with others.

Full and deep presence in the present moment with the heart-opening acceptance of ALL our emotions and all your sensoric sensations is the golden key to inner connectedness and peace of mind. Acceptance, connection and love are the supreme unifying forces in our relationship with others.

Her great passion is to find gateways to travel deeper into the open heart space through the body, where we meet the essence of ourselves, and into the relationship with each other, whether it happens in quiet, expanded consciousness or in sensual, explosive ecstasy.

Alongside her work as a couples therapist, sexologist and body therapist, she facilitates workshops exploring the many facets of tantra, relational authenticity & consent, mind-bodyfulness, meditation and self leadership. In her Conscious Dating evenings she invites singles to date in a fun, heart connected and authentic way.

Signe V. Bentzen is the founder of The Tribal Vibe Community, known especially for the annual, tantric The Tribal Vibe Summer Festival in Ry

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